What would you like to know?

I am here to tell you about your plans for the summer.

You are going to kindly ask me to go see a movie or hang out at the mall or something. Then you will get there early so i dont have to wait for you to show up 8). Next you will tell me how awesome i am and how much you were looking forward to seeing me because you need to hang out with your favorite sean more often.

Yeah then you will leave me alone for awhile and ask me again a couple weeks later 8).

Ok. i tried to find a story that was both informitive and interesting. However, because such a story does not exsist i plan on continuing with the same old sean for awhile. If you have any questions about what is going on in the world i would be happy to do a little bit of research to keep you reading. Or, if you want the latest on your favorite singer, actor, actress, or some other famous icon, i would be happy to do a quick sagment on that person. I would rather keep away from that, however, because famous people make me angry 8).

This is your favorite Sean saying, what would YOU like to know? and have a wonderful tuesday!