
I, the genius that i am, have come up with the perfect gift. A burnt POTATO!! It is burnt which means it is black, and black is awesome. It tastes good - assuming you are smart enough to remove the burnt outside. I mean seriously, think people if it is burnt enough to be black then it won't be very tasty but the inside is probably fine). And finally, what makes it a great present is that when the person you are giving the gift to get really, REALLY mad, they will probably throw it at you, and wouldn't a potato hurt less than, say, a vase or a lamp?? Not that anyone would get someone a lamp as a gift unless it was a house warming gift and the person with the new house had a really dark house, but if someone invites you to a house warming they probably wont throw the lamp you just handed them at you. Although, a split personality could have one personality that is madly in love with the gift giver and invited him and the other personality hates the guy because she sees through his gifts and knows that he has been playing the two from the start. But if you are the guy in that situation you don't deserve my advice because you are playing a girl who is in need of therapy and that just isn't right.

If you want to use my infinite knowledge for your own personal gain, just post a comment and i will try to get a response out to you.

This is Sean of the Blog spot Ryan - signing out

He kicks bank robber *** my friends

I thought i should put a video on here that had action. I am a big fan of Mr. Cash and enjoy the videos Mr boss man chooses, but me, i crave action and classic action is the best action there is, and if you want to be able to watch a movie with action like they dont make anymore and catch phrases that never get old...

you are looking for Clint Eastwood or, more to the point, Dirty Harry. Trust me, i know what i'm doing!!!

And that's the way it is

Lator... Gator

Th-th-th-that's all folks

Hot Day in Seattle

Clear skies and 96°Fareinheit in Seattle but will be lowering towards the weekend and Monday. Should be partly cloudy/sunny until this time next week.

Anyways, here's Johnny Cash with 'Ring of Fire' 1986.
I think Johnny Cash is like John Wayne singing. Both are great entertainers.

Love is burning thing and it makes a fiery ring. Bound by wild desires, I fell into a ring of fire.
I fell into burning ring of fire. I went down down down and the flames went higher. And it burn burns burns, the ring of fire, the ring of fire... :) haha..ok.


"Strolling down a shady lane with your baby mine.."

Chet Atkins on his guitar along with the voices of the Jordainaires perform the classic summer song (once featured on PBS Kids' Arthur) 'In the Good Ol' Summer Time'.

Later now..

New Title Banner for TiRS

For this blog, I have made a new image to be used as the banner title. I like it and I hope you will as well. In my opinion it makes the entire page look cleaner, crisper, more concise, and modern instead of the original dull banner color and font. Now maybe I should do something about the 'Red Polka Dots'...

Original Page Banner

Updated Page Banner


A Second Chance

As I told you in a previous post, my computer hard drive was not working correctly and could not be accessed except for a certain time. Now that my dear friend, the computer and its innards, are working again, I am grateful for another chance, or privelege.
See you again some other time..