'Hard Drive Not Found..'

Within the last few days, I have encountered a problem with turning on my computer. When I push the 'on' button, the Gateway logo stays on while I hear the continual sound of intermittent clicks of my hard drive finding itself.
While I recognize my problem, I am not able to completely fix this problem. After messing around with the innards of this Gateway tower, I have been able to fully turn on this system to save all of the important files and do as much work as I can until this gets fixed.
As I saved and backed up my files but more specifically my endeared Favorites and Links, I felt saddened and sober after looking at these memories (files) and storing them away until another day. It was as if this was my last day on the job and I was packing off to leave for my next job.
Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy your summer. I may not be blogging for some time. So until next time..
( just so you know '...' may mean "I'll never be back whereas '..; means "I'll be back". :)

Danny Boy by Barney Gumble from the Simpsons

From A Life Less Ordinary, Ewan McGregor and Cameron Diaz singing Beyond the Sea

The Beatles with Hello, Goodbye

Johnny Cash singing Ring of Fire

The Beach Boys 1965 with Barbra Ann