And now..

(*sound of blowing through his mouth as if he were tired and through with something*)
As this lovely, enchanting, dull, endearing, animating, and epitomic summer draws to its unfortunate end, I have regrets (yet too few to mention) in addition to satisfaction and contentment. I wonder if I have accordingly spent this summer.

5:43 PM
Alas after much thought, I think I have. I have traveled down Interstate-5 to almost its end and seen most of the grand beauty of California; I have read and pictured the moving events in a county called Maycomb in Alabama, seeing a brother and sister grow, and an innocent black man being served injustice; I have seen great art in Seattle that made me think new and fresh thoughts of the world and of thoughts itself; I learned to make great culinary dishes pleasing to the palate; I have put on a paper helmet, donned a cardboard shield of a red lion emblazoned on to aluminum foil, and with newspaper swords I fought great fiery dragons; so here's to life. (As sung by the fabulous Shirley Horn-) long as I am still in the game, I want to play -for laughs, for life, for love.